Thursday, June 25, 2020

Here are some FAQ’s we get here at MMS, to help you with everyday tech mishaps:
1. Why is my computer running slowly?
Check if your computer has any updates available as this will often speed up your computer, as older software will become slower when out of date. Also ensure that you only have a necessary number of tabs open, as this will back-log your computer with tasks.
2. How do I find a deleted file?
Deleted items are normally stored in your recycle bin, as a first port of call, check to see if your items are in the recycle bin. If they are, then they can be restored.
3. Why is my printer not working?
Check that there is sufficient paper in the printer and that it is in the right paper tray, then check there is enough ink or toner for the quantity needed.
Failing that try turning the printer off and then on again, it may just need to be rebooted.
4. Why do I have slow Internet?
Make sure your router is in a suitable location for a wireless connection, as Wi-Fi will only reach certain distances (this is dependent on its capability). You may simply be too far from the router to connect, in this case a Wi-Fi extender may be beneficial. Also ensure that your router is not placed behind any other technology e.g. a Television, this will act as a block due to this being a difficult surface for connection to pass through.
5. Why does my email constantly request to log-in?
Start off by logging out of your account and closing the software (if using a browser close the current tab). Remove your profile from frequent users, then continue log in again as normal – this should help reset the application.
Are you on our cPanel server? Please check if you can load our website before you call, this will allow us to diagnose your issue quicker.
If this doesn’t do the job, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to be of assistance.
Simply call: 01902 544 135